Greenspan Floortime Approach® Trainings Two training opportunities – Introductory and Level II courses Led by Jake Greenspan and hosted by St. David’s Center, the Midwest Regional Greenspan Floortime Training Center. Register for one or both! Register Here About The Greenspan Floortime Approach®: The benefits of Dr. Greenspan’s Floortime Approach include the opportunity to improve interaction, communication, and learning for the child and family. To read more about Dr. Greenspan’s philosophy, the importance of this approach, and why St. David’s Center is passionate about increasing awareness of and certification in this model, click here. Greenspan Floortime Introductory Training (VIRTUAL) February 24-25, 2024 | 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CST What to Expect: Over the course of two intensive days of Introductory Training, participants will: Be introduced to the Greenspan Floortime Approach and the science inside its effectiveness Gain an understanding of The Learning Tree Model for evaluation Through lecture and video, learn the Functional Emotional Developmental Levels Learn techniques of the Greenspan Floortime Approach®, as well as strategies to improve peer and social interaction and reduce challenging behaviors Through presentation, discussion, evaluation of case studies, and evaluation, this introductory training is the first step toward Floortime Certification! Certificates of attendance available. Cost and Registration: Conference Fee: Early Bird (Register by February 1): $275 After Feb 1, fee is $325 Greenspan Floortime Level II Training (IN-PERSON) April 13-14, 2024 | 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CST St. David’s Center 3395 Plymouth Road Minnetonka, MN 55305 What to Expect: Level II training will be an immersive, small-group experience (class size of 12). At the completion of this course, trainees will be able to: Describe and demonstrate the Greenspan Floortime Approach and the Functional/Emotional Developmental Levels Plan developmental intervention strategies for children with a wide variety of diagnoses, including Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD/ADD, learning disabilities, etc Identify the ways a child’s behavior, affect, and developmental patterns influence communication Determine a child’s functional developmental level and compare that level to age-expected level Discuss how the Greenspan Floortime Approach supports assessment & intervention Prepare for video submissions (a series of at least 7 video submissions of trainees doing Greenspan Floortime with children are required with Level II certification) Completion of Level II training will permit the trainee to be a non-provisional practitioner of The Greenspan Floortime Approach®. Cost and Registration: Conference Fee: $900 (includes 2-day training, consultation and coaching of trainee’s video submissions)