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For clients who receive services in a school or community site that is closed, your services on Tuesday are cancelled. Close

You can change
the life of a child.


We raise over $2 million annually to ensure young children with emerging mental health needs and their families get the services and support they need.

Why are we investing so deeply in children’s mental health?  Two reasons:

Needs are growing at a faster rate than ever:

  • One in four children has witnessed or experienced trauma before they turn four years of age.
  • One in six people have experienced four or more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as witnessing domestic violence, abuse and neglect, parental substance abuse or mental illness.
  • One in five children has a diagnosable mental health issue and yet only 20% have access to the services they need.

We know comprehensive, individualized early intervention makes all the difference in a child’s trajectory.
For years, we’ve heard from pediatricians and school districts that our collaborative approach to early intervention sets St. David’s Center apart. Mental health therapists leverage their wealth of knowledge and skills with the expertise of our occupational therapists and speech pathologists, and tailor treatment that leads to trajectory-changing results – all achieved in partnership with parents and caregivers.

Your commitment to St. David’s Center directly supports more than 150 gifted mental health therapists in their everyday work. As our country experiences a shortage of mental health providers in particular, a well-trained, well-supported workforce is more important now than ever before. Please help us continue this life-changing work by making a gift.


Do you have more questions about donating to St. David's Center?

Contact Our Development Team

St. David’s Center is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. 

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