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Driving Record Information

Definition of an Unacceptable Motor Vehicle Record
An Unacceptable Motor Vehicle Record for any applicant or current employee is one major violation occurring in the last five years or minor violations as described below occurring in the last three years from the date of inquiry:
One major violation defined as:
  • Any felony in which a vehicle is used including homicide resulting from the operation of any unreasonable risk or with high degree negligence.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
  • Implied Consent
  • Refusal to take a breath analyzer test.
  • Failure to stop, report, or comply with state statutes when involved in an accident.
  • Driving while license is suspended or revoked.
  • Reckless/Careless driving
  • Racing
  • Violation of a child passenger restraint
  • Passing a stopped school bus with the stop arm extended and red lights flashing.
Unacceptable Motor Vehicle Record based on Minor violations are defined as:
  • Three (3) or more moving violations within three (3) years not specifically listed above (i.e. speeding, seat belt, failure to obey traffic lights or signs), with not more than one being “excessive acceleration”
  • Two (2) or more vehicle accidents within three (3) years.
  • One (1) at vehicle accident and two (2) moving violations not specifically listed above
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