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Seminars & Training

Community Education Series: Embracing Rough-and-Tumble Play

3 August 2018


Date: Thursday, October 25, 7:00-8:30PM
7:00-8:00PM: Presentation
8:00-8:30PM: Q&A
Location: St. David’s Center
Presenters: Mike Huber, Early Childhood Education Supervisor & Faith Mianulli, Lead OTR

Rough-and-tumble play is essential for child development, yet we often perceive it as misbehavior. In this session, preschool parents and childcare providers will learn the purpose of rough-and-tumble play, its place in a child’s development, the unintended consequences of limiting this type of play, and ways to effectively respond to a child’s needs for movement and more vigorous activity.

Childcare available!

Six Signs Your Child Could Benefit from More Rough-and-Tumble Play

  1. Being overly active or having difficulty calming down.
  2. Excessively seeking movement or touch.
  3. Clumsiness.
  4. A lack of physical or social confidence.
  5. Holding back from play with other children.
  6. Acting aggressive or defiant.

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