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For clients who receive services in a school or community site that is closed, your services on Tuesday are cancelled. Close

At St. David’s Center for Child and Family Development, our Parents as Teachers (PAT) Home Visiting program, part of the Hennepin County PAT collaborative, was recently recognized as a Blue Ribbon Affiliate by the Parents as Teachers National Center.  Our PAT program is part of the Hennepin County PAT affiliate. This warm acknowledgement highlights our commitment to partnering with families by providing tools, resources, guidance, and authentic relationships, directly in their homes across Hennepin County. Our Blue Ribbon Affiliate recognition also establishes us as the only Blue Ribbon Affiliate for Home Visiting in the state of Minnesota. 

Our program supports families with children, from prenatal through kindergarten, helping parents embrace their role as their child’s first and most important teacher. Through regular home visits, our trained home visitors “stay alongside” families, building trust and tailoring support to meet each family’s unique needs. This approach ensures that parents feel empowered to navigate challenges and create a nurturing environment for their children’s development, whatever that may be.  

The Blue Ribbon designation affirms the effectiveness of our evidence-based approach, which prioritizes parent-child interaction, development-centered parenting, and family well-being. Families participating in the program benefit from developmental screenings, connections to community resources, and personalized guidance on early childhood development. 

The Blue Ribbon Affiliate recognition celebrates not only the hard work of our team but also the resilience and dedication of the families we serve. As Minnesota’s only Blue Ribbon Affiliate for Home Visiting, we are especially proud of our commitment to advancing equity by supporting marginalized families in our communities and reducing barriers to accessing critical services. Together, we are building strong families, resilient communities, and brighter futures for every child.


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